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Cabinet Signs

As sign production specialists we take our client’s vision and execute it in the most cost effective way. When it comes to custom exterior signs Cabinet Signs are a popular choice with many businesses. While most Cabinet Signs are designed to be illuminated there are times when a client asks for a non-illuminated Cabinet Sign. This usually happens when the customer wants the “depth” of the sign but doesn’t need it to light up at night.

A big advantage of Cabinet Signs is that they can be made in just about any shape. Square, rectangle, round or shaped like a star, an octagon, your logo, etc. It just depends on the overall size and complexity of the shape you want. Of course, the more complex the sign, the more expensive the sign will be.

Lighting Options

Cabinets Signs are made from heavy grade aluminum and typically use fluorescent lamps for illumination. The front, or “face” of the sign can be made from acrylic, Lexan™ or fabric. Once we know the size and location of the cabinet we can provide you with the manufacturing specifications that will work best for your project.

Illuminated Cabinet Sign

LED lights can also be used in illuminated exterior signs. Cabinet signs range in depth from 3 to 12 inches and everything in between.  The depth will depend on the overall cabinet size. Most of the time the larger the cabinet the deeper it needs to be made.

Cabinets can also be made 100% with aluminum and the copy or graphics would then be routed out of the aluminum face and then the graphic and/or copy would be routed out of acrylic and then “pushed through” the cabinet face. This is called a “Push Thru Cabinet.” The aluminum face can then be finished with color, brushed aluminum, brushed gold, brushed bronze, etc.

As far as acquiring permits for Cabinet Signs, there are more and more cities that do not allow Cabinet Signs so we take these situations on a case-by-case basis.

Overall Illuminated cabinets are a less expensive way of getting your sign to “light up”!