Why choose Custom Sign Manufacturing, Inc. over other sign companies?

Sign Manufacturing

Experience is often spoken of, yet not always applied. Creative minds exist, yet we rarely challenge ourselves. At Custom Sign Manufacturing, Inc. we push the envelope with over 200 years of collaborative experience! We have some of the best creative minds in the business!

Companies promise “Quality”, yet purchase the cheapest products out on the market to increase their margins. There are over 100 manufacturers of LED Modules and Fluorescent Lamps. There are a multitude of acrylics, fabrics, translucent films, vinyl’s and inks along with grades and thicknesses of aluminum & steel. We DO NOT make your sign based on what material or graphic application is available to us but rather what is the best material and graphic application for your specific job and it’s parameters!

This “mind set” of HONESTY & INTEGRITY I assure you sets us apart! There is no job too simple or too complicated. We are founded on old fashioned, family values of SERVICE.  Our commitment is to respond quickly, provide you with thorough consultations & architectural layouts, beautiful sturdy long lasting signs to get your company noticed, on time and on budget through our hand-holding process! 

Jane Plude

Jane Plude

Jane Plude, Sign Production Specialist, started her career selling outdoor advertising, specifically in the trade show and live marketing arena where there was no such thing as a “late deadline”. Following her years selling advertising space and working with the Production companies who made the products, she decided to take that leap of faith and go out on her own creating JP Show Production, Inc. A full service sign and banner fabrication company out of South Easton, MA which serviced the Fortune 500 High Tech and Electronic companies at all of their trade shows and live events around the country.

Working with clients helping them achieve their goals, keeping within their budgets and assisting them with fabrication methods is what she enjoys and does best. Her specialties are electrical signs, monument signs, pylons and anything that requires custom building or fabrication. Every sign is different (design, color, material, installation location, permit requirements and client objective) therefore, having a sign consultant that understands your needs will make your life easier.