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Channel Letters Signs

Channel Letters Signs can be designed and fabricated in a variety of ways. The most commonly used Channel Letters are:

  • Front Lit   
  • Rear Lit   
  • Open Face  
  • Dual Lit (Front & Rear)

Most channel letters are custom made and fabricated out of aluminum or cut acrylic letters with LED lighting modules or Neon tubing. As a sign specialist we can fabricate your channel letters by hand or with a metal bender and a CNC Routing Machine.

Regardless of whether or not your channel letters are made by machines there is still a good amount of handcraft involved. Due to the craft manufacturing process and the components that are used in channel letters signage these custom signs are typically more expensive. They do however deliver a fabulous look during the day and with LED or neon lighting modules, they provide excellent visibility during the evening hours. Most logos and lettering styles can be achieved via channel letters or channel logos.

Channel Letters

Custom Details for Channel Letters Signs

We also offer custom details for your Channel Letters Signs. For example, trim caps are used to hold the acrylic face to the aluminum sides or what is referred to as the returns. In some cases, clients prefer not to have the trim cap traditional style on their lettering. If this is the case we offer trim-capless channel letters that produce a sleek, clean acrylic face look. This does add a little more to the cost.

In addition, for high-end clientele, we offer stainless steel channel letters with chrome, brass, bronze or copper finishing. We also offer is side lit illumination with many different types of unique finishes and custom details. Most of these very custom letters can be used in combination, for example, Front & Side Lit, Rear & Side Lit, etc.

Channel Letters

We’re Here to Help

All of this may be a bit confusing so we offer consulting advice as to which option fits your business model, physical location, specific logo and budgets. There are many parameters you have to take into consideration. We’ll help you through the process and work with designers to fabricate something completely unique. 

Channel Letters sign